Workshops: August 29 - 30
Conference: August 31
Hotel Yak and Yeti, Durbarmarg, Kathmandu, Nepal

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About the Conference

THREAT CON 2019 is a continuation in the footsteps of its previous iteration. It is an attempt at creating an environment that fosters security and hacker culture. It facilitates a gateway into the world of infosec and - for developers, security practitioners, IT administrators or anyone interested. THREAT CON emerged out of the intention to bridge various actors active in computer security world, including but not limited to security professionals, security communities, systems and network administrator, organisations, students, law enforcement agencies, etc, by providing a scene where all these people can gather and share their take on security and hacking.

THREAT CON, is a one of its kind event in Nepal, a series of annual international security conventions similar to the famous Black Hat and DEF CON conferences. This community event is managed by ThreatNix, a tight knit group of experienced security professionals who are committed to provide competent cybersecurity solutions.

THREAT CON 2019 is for anyone with an interest in cybersecurity practices and hacking in general. You don’t have to be a proficient hacker or a bonafide security professional to attend and enjoy the event: THREAT CON promises a fantastic, worthwhile experience for everyone, those new to the scene and conference veterans alike.

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