The workshop sessions are full day and run in parallel
Registration for the workshop
Introductory Session and Tea
Offensive HTML, SVG, CSS And Other Browser-Evil (Browser Security) by Mario Heiderich
Digital Forensics and Incidence Response by Andrew Smith
Lunch Break
Tea/Coffee Break
Registrations for the conference
Introduction to THREAT CON
XSS is dead? It's 2019 and we still don't get it. (keynote) by Mario Heiderich
Securing the SDLC in the real world by Jim Manico
Networking Break
Bypassing iOS Security using Enterprise Provisioning Hooks and Enterprise Mobility Management by Georgia Weidman
Hacking Human Lives via Body Area Network by Vignesh
Nepal’s level of preparedness to deal with massive cyberwarfare attacks by Yogesh Ojha
Depth of effective macro campaign by Aniruddha Dolas and Prashant Tilekar
Closing Session